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Our learning

Our learning

                               Our curriculum offer

 Our vision is to provide a caring and nurturing environment, where everyone is given opportunities to learn, discover and grow in our changing world. We will live out our Christian values of Respect, Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Trust and Honesty and strive to guide our community into leading fruitful lives, learning from Jesus’s teachings, to love themselves and one another in order to achieve success. With the support of their teachers and teaching assistants, we can give every child the best as we learn and grow together in God's family.

Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.

Proverbs 22:6


Our broad and rich curriculum at Cleeve Prior C of E Primary School promotes a thirst for knowledge and a love of learning. Our distinctly Christian vision is at the heart of all we do. Our curriculum is planned and sequenced in order to build knowledge and skills throughout the school, providing opportunities for all pupils to achieve success. Our curriculum has been structured to allow pupils to make links between subjects and themes and builds upon key concepts and vocabulary. It has a positive impact on all pupils’ behaviour and safety, developing their resilience, confidence and independence and helping them to know how to keep physically and mentally healthy. We aim for children to leave our school equipped to be respectful, tolerant, active citizens who contribute positively to society and have a clear understanding of fundamental British and Christian values. The curriculum we have constructed at Cleeve Prior C of E Primary School has been designed to equip all learners with the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they are entitled to and need in order to succeed.  

The curriculum comprises:

  • The formal curriculum defined by the National Curriculum and the EYFS Curriculum.
  • We follow White Rose for Maths, alongside NCETM materials and NRICH
  • Our writing is based on I'm a Clever Writer
  • Computing is taught using NCCE Teaching Computing Scheme of work (supported by Project Evolve for Online safety).
  • The school uses the Worcestershire agreed syllabus, alongside Understanding Christianity for planning and delivering Religious Education.
  • The PSHE / RSE curriculum is based on the Heart Smart Scheme and My Happy Mind.
  • Music lessons (drumming) are provided weekly by Severn Arts for Key Stage 1 pupils and Kapow (KS2)
  • Our Science, DT and Art curriculums are delivered through Kapow
  • Forest school is provided weekly by Forest School Learning Initiative
  • Swimming lessons are provided for two terms each year
  • A Modern Foreign Language (French) taught to all Key Stage 2 pupils, using Language Angels. 


 We implement our vision and curriculum intent in the following ways:

  • Developing creative, immersive, termly or half-termly (in EYFS/KS1) learning themes in order to make learning meaningful and enjoyable.
  • Creating a supportive and nurturing environment, encouraging pupil achievement.
  • Promoting a broad and balanced curriculum covering all subjects.
  • A progressive skills document, forming the foundation of the delivery and assessment of each subject.
  • Teaching phonics through the Twinkl scheme of work, developing early reading.
  • Ensuring reading for pleasure is a high priority throughout the school.
  • Providing high-quality and appropriate resources to support teaching and learning.
  • Using a range of high-quality texts to enhance learning and promote a love of reading.
  • Encouraging the safe use of technology to support learning.
  • Providing specialist teaching in Music.
  • Using cross-curricular links and opportunities to ensure pupils can transfer and apply the skills they develop.
  • Offering pastoral support to nurture and develop all of our pupils and support their families.
  • Providing a range of school trips and visitors to enrich the curriculum.
  • Initiating regular theme days to bring learning to life.
  • Providing suitably adapted and differentiated tasks to ensure all children can access the curriculum content. 
  • Maximising opportunities for outdoor learning.
  • Encouraging and respecting pupil and parent voice

  Curriculum Enhancements:

  • Participation in sporting events, organised by Worcestershire School Games
  • Visitors to school – e.g.: parents who share their skills and work experiences, religious leaders, drama groups, musicians. sports people 
  • Competitions – e.g.: sporting, annual writing competition
  • Themed Weeks/Days – e.g.: Chinese New Year, Diwali, Royal Weddings and other events
  • Assemblies – children are given opportunities to present their learning to parents and carers.
  • Performance opportunities – e.g.: Christmas performances, musical concerts, Young Voices, KS2 performance, carol service

Pupil Leadership

Children are encouraged to take on additional roles of responsibility in school:

  • House Captains 
  • School Council
  • School peacekeepers
  • Eco committee
  • Worship crew
  • Librarians
  • Classroom Monitors
  • Sports Captains / Playground Leaders


  • By responding to the challenge provided by our curriculum, working independently, critically thinking and persevering, our children strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives, in and out of the classroom.
  • By providing our children with a challenging curriculum and activities that push them out of their comfort zone we hope to build resilience and a life-long love of learning.
  • Our school will be a place where everyone celebrates the success of others and where all members of our school community are proud of our school; of the work they produce and of themselves.
  • Our children work and play together successfully and productively as part of a school community who live well together.
  • All members of our school community are helped and encouraged to be healthy, both physically and mentally so that when they face difficult challenges, they have physical and mental strength to be successful and happy.
  • We have a culture of aspiration and achievement for all children by providing an experience rich curriculum and by celebrating success.
  • Our children show empathy and understanding of difference and are encouraged to be tolerant of the diverse range of people they encounter.

To find out more about our curriculum, please email Mrs Laughlin at


Contact Us

Head of School: Mrs. S Laughlin

Main Street, Cleeve Prior, Evesham
WR11 8LG