Ofsted and SIAMS
SIAMS 2024
"Cleeve Prior Church of England Primary School is at the centre of its community, welcoming and encouraging all. It has experienced a period of challenge and change, but has held fast to caring for and nurturing those it serves. With support from governors, staff, parents, DOWMAT and Worcestershire Diocese the leadership is moving the school forward driven by its vision. Stakeholders talk passionately about the positive impact this school has on their lives. The support given and the sense of belonging experienced is tangible. Families appreciate the generational and lifelong relationships they have with this school."
"Leaders ensure the vision to pursue learning, discovery and growth, through nurture and caring, permeates all decisions and actions. They understand and articulate the importance of the vision and how this weaves through daily life here. Adults and pupils feel valued as unique individuals and are enabled to flourish. This sense of belonging creates a calm atmosphere around school, where kindness and understanding are key. Forgiveness is the primary value underpinning these successful relationships. Adults recognise the impact a restorative approach to supporting behaviour and forgiveness has on pupils’ understanding about their actions. Pupils describe how this approach has helped their wellbeing and relationships."
"A well planned curriculum is matched to the context and the individual needs of the pupils. This is reviewed annually as the needs of the cohorts in mixed age classes change. Staff carefully craft the opportunities to ensure all are enabled to ‘learn, discover and grow.’ They constantly consider the needs of all pupils and how the curriculum is designed to meet these needs. The vision drives and supports these considerations. Spiritual development opportunities are planned within the curriculum, facilitating the beginnings of spiritual growth. Pupils and adults share the same language of ‘wows’ with the excitement of these moments being displayed as ‘stars’ in the hall. This leads to pupils beginning to make connections with their behaviours and something more personal and deeper within themselves. Through these strong relationships, staff are dedicated to ensuring all pupils develop their unique talents and skills knowledgeably and spiritually. As a result, disadvantaged pupils and those with additional needs grow in confidence through many different and varied opportunities."
SIAMS 2024
Ofsted 2022
The inspector's comments about our school.
- The leaders are determined to continue to build on the rapid improvements
- Our curriculum - It is ambitious for all
- Relationships between adults and pupils are respectful and positive
- Pupils care for each other
- Pupils behave well and their pride in their school is evident
- Teachers ensure that learning engages pupils and now helps the children to remember key knowledge.
- Pupils with SEND achieve well from their starting points
- Overall, the newly introduced phonics scheme is working well
- Pupils benefit from carefully chosen personal development experiences.
- The children take on leadership roles around the school.
- Even the youngest pupils take on responsibilities
- Leaders encourage pupils to become more resilient
- Staff know their pupils and families very well.
Our Community told the inspectors
- The children say that the school is ‘small but awesome
- The pupils with SEND enjoy school
- The children say - What the support teachers give them helps them to learn more
- Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school
- Parents say there is approachable staff at school
- Staff enjoy working here
- Staff are proud to be part of this school