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Our learning

Home Learning

According to the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF 2021) homework, when appropriately pitched and related to school work, has a positive effect on the attainment of all pupils.

At Cleeve Prior CE Primary School we value home learning and only assign our pupils tasks that we believe will consolidate their learning. 

We expect all of our children to read at home regularly with their parents/carers. Willow Class pupils are assigned reading books which link to the phonics level they are working on in their phonics sessions. The older children (Oak Class) have appropriate texts for their age and ability to share at home or read independently. All children are given the opportunity to select books from the class libraries and school library to read for pleasure.

We also use TTRS and Numbots to help with our times tables and Mathletics to reinforce and revisit learning in other aspects of maths. Children are encouraged and rewarded for accessing these outside of school.

Each week, the children are given personalised spellings to practise using EdShed. 

Occasionally, children will be asked to research or create a project linked to a subject area.

LogoRhino Readers Order Form | Phonics-led Reading Scheme

Image result for Ttrs LogoMATHS - Sandhill Primary SchoolMathletics Logo | ? logo, Poster template, Vector logo


Contact Us

Head of School: Mrs. S Laughlin

Main Street, Cleeve Prior, Evesham
WR11 8LG