Our Governing board
The Role of the Governing Board.
The purpose of the Governing Board is to provide confident and strong strategic leadership working in close partnership with the leaders of the school, leading to robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance.
This means:
• Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
• Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
• Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well-spent
As a Governing Board we work co-operatively together to ensure we meet the 3 core strategic functions above.
The Governing Board consists of:
Mrs B Ellison Clerk to Governors
Reverend Joanna Fielding Ex-officio / Foundation Governor
Mrs S Laughlin Ex-officio and Head of School
Miss S Smith Chair of governors / Parent Governor
Mrs J Foster Vice chair / Local authority Governor
Mr E Grainger Co-opted Governor
Ms Z Hicks - Staff Governor
Mrs G Paget - Foundation Governor
Ms S. Cudworth Parent Governor
Mr A Hackley Associate member (Executive Head employed by DoWMAT)
Mrs J Styler Associate member (non-voting) (Finance)
This year 2024-2025, the school is working on the following priorities which guides our work fulfilling our core strategic functions and meeting our statutory requirements.
In order to carry out our functions effectively we meet 6 times per year as a full governing board. We also have delegated responsibilities which enable us to undertake our strategic functions on behalf of the board. It is a privilege to be a governor at Cleeve Prior CE Primary school where every child is valued and nurtured to grow and flourish.
Through our strategic oversight of the work of the school we support and strengthen the school to provide high quality education for all pupils.
KEY Priority 1
To ensure all lessons use Rosenshine's principles and other pedagogical theories to identify and help children learn more, remember more and understand better.
KEY priority 2
To ensure that across all subjects there are assessment procedures in place that will aid teacher understanding of where children are in their learning and therefore be able to plan even more effectively so that children understand and learn more.
KEY priority 3
To develop good behaviour for learning by engaging all parents in their children’s learning both at home and at school.
To contact a member of our Governing body, please email indicate who the message is for and we will pass it on.
For information: there are no employees in the school who have a gross income of £100,000 or more.
If you would like more information about the School's benchmarking click here:
Cleeve Prior CofE (Controlled) Primary School - Schools Financial Benchmarking - GOV.UK